

From Nelson

Drive from Nelson to Richmond. Turn RIGHT at the roundabout,
about 1km after the Queen St traffic lights, in Richmond, as you leave
Richmond. Immediately you go over a bridge. Follow the road to
Motueka. There is a coastal bypass that speeds up the journey.

From Murchison

Leave Murchison on the Nelson road and after passing over Hope
Saddle and through the Golden Downs forestry area, there is a turning
at the Kohatu Tavern. Turn RIGHT to MOTUEKA, via the Motueka
valley and Tapawera. Carry on to Motueka. About 45mins from the
turn off.

From Motueka

Pass through the town and follow signs to TAKAKA. No fuel after
Riwaka. and then on to Takaka over the big hill. Time 1hr from
As you arrive in Takaka, turn RIGHT at the Telegraph Hotel.
Sign posted to Pohara. Drive about 1km and then RIGHT at the small
roundabout, by the Dairy Factory towards Pohara still.
Proceed on that road for another 6kms. There are 3x 90 degree bends.
Half way along a long straight, having passed Motupipi School,
turn RIGHT onto CLIFTON Road.
Go up there and take the RIGHT turn at the 2x T junctions.
You are now on ROCKLANDS Road going past the Grove Scenic
Reserve. Continue up that road for about 1km, up a steep hill and then
turn LEFT onto Upper Rocklands Rd.
We are the first gate on the LEFT, just past the Letter Boxes and at the
end of the tarseal. Number 11. Proceed up the drive for about 300m.

Time from Takaka: 10 mins.
Any problems, phone us at home: 03-525-8588

  • Gallery

    We never get bored of this view! View of house from the drive Our entrance way
  • Contact Details


    11 Upper Rocklands Road
    Clifton, Takaka


